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Sanitary Landfill NW Thessaloniki

The site area is 757.440,38 m2 and the landfill area 377.000 m2.

The insfrastructure works of the Sanitary Landfill include the construction of an administration building, a workshop and equiment washing building, fuel tank, water tanks, entrance and exit installations with guard house and weighs, and a complete wastewater treatment plant including primary treatment of wastewater for the removal of suspended solids, heavy metals and floating matter through the processes of sand removal and primary settling with coagulants, secondary treatment aiming at the removal of biodegradable organic carbon and nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus) with biological processes, including sequencing batch reactors (SBR), secondary settling of biologically treated wastewater for the organic solids removal and part of the dissolved organic carbon and tertiary treatment mainly for the recovery of high quality water with the application of processes such as Reverse Osmosis for the removal of suspended solids and Evaporation for the removal of dissolved substances from specific wastewater streams.

  • ProjectSanitary Landfill NW Thessaloniki
  • Date2005-2008
  • OwnerPeripheral Administration of Central Macedonia
  • PlaceMavroraxi Thessaloniki
  • Budget (€)8000000