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Thisvi 421.6 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant

Combined Cycle Power Plant, located at Thisvi, Viotia with maximum capacity 421.6MW running on natural gas, which also includes a 400KV substation and a high voltage transmission power-line. The plant is equipped with all auxiliary systems necessary for the proper and safe operation of the station ant its sub-systems.
Owner of the unit is the company ELPEDISON S.A. (EDISON, ELPE, ELLAKTOR), the second company in installed power in Greece.

The plot area is 101.120 m2, while the superstructures and substructures cover approximately 24.000m2.
The turbines (GT/ST/GEN) are supplied by ANSALDO, the HRSG from NOOTER ERIKSEN, the air cooled condenser by GEA and the transformers by TAMINI. The commercial operation of the plant started in August 2010 and from 9/12/2010 the unit is operating at full power.
The detailed construction design was carried out initially on behalf of EDISON Spa and then on behalf of the construction joint venture (EDISON, AKTOR) and refers to all Civil Engineering works of the plant (buildings, foundations, equipment bases and supports, piperacks, underground installations and networks, roads and paving, landscaping etc. 850 drawings and calculations were issued, while all necessary building permits were issued. Our company was also responsible under law for the technical supervision of all civil engineering activities.

  • ProjectThisvi 421.6 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant
  • Date2007-2010
  • EmployerJ/V Aktor SA - Edison Spa
  • OwnerElpedison Power
  • PlaceThisvi, Viotia
  • Budget (€)120,000,000